Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri: 9-5
GEIL DLB-28 Gas Kiln
Price: $40,817.00
Manufacturer: Geil Kilns
Part No: DLB-28
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Select Natural Gas or Propane*
GEIL Natural Draft Kilns
The frame construction and exterior shell of the GEIL Downdraft Gas Fired Fire Brick Kilns consists of heavy gauge structural strength steel. All frames are welded at each joint to provide for maximum strength and durability. Full width, front loading doors and the minimal area between the door opening and the setting space facilitates loading and unloading. These fire brick kilns are built with full depth arch construction extending directly to the door opening, providing stacking space to the top of the arch, 2600° F and 2800° F High Alumina (60% or more) Insulating Fire Brick backed by high-temperature block insulation constitutes the kiln's interior. All DL models will fire to 2500° F (cone 14).
Natural draft, high velocity ceramic burners were specifically designed and developed by GEIL Kilns to produce excellent fuel-air mixture without the need of electric blowers. These burners provide for simple and trouble-free firing.
Electronic flame safety, 100% shut off
Push button automatic spark ignition
Manual control valve
0-15" water column pressure gauge
DD-1 digital, solid state, electronic controller / high-limit, on/off soaking controller (see below)
Model Number
Inside Volume -Cu.Ft.
Setting Space-Cu.Ft.
Setting Area-Inches
W D H 32x32x48
Inside Dimension-Inches
Outside Dimension-Inches
Instrumentation (Microprocessor Controller Optional Equipment)
DD1 Controller
Stacking Height-Inches
Temperature Range
0-2500� F.
Shelf Size-Inches Per Level
Maximum BTU/HR. Input
Maximum Gas Consumption CFH
Minimum Gas Pressure
6 Inches Water Column Pressure
Gas Line Inlet Inches
Number of Burners
Average Firing Time-Cone 06
6 Hours
Average Firing Time-Cone 10
8-10 Hours
Approximate Shipping Weight
3;400 lbs.
Electrical hook-up required on all kilns. No extra charge for kilns firing with propane gas. Please specify.
Control System Standard manual control system used on most GEIL KILNS.
Control System Standard manual control system used on most GEIL Kilns.
DD-1 Digital Electronic ControllerThe DD-1 is a high limit, on-off, solid state electronic controller with a digital readout and digital set from 0 to 2500� F. When the controller is set at the "High Limit" position, it will automatically shut the kiln off at the set point temperature. The on-off position functions as a "soaking" controller, holding the temperature at the set point temperature, plus or minus 5�.
Heavy Duty Hinge An exclusive feature on all front loading GEIL Kilns, this hinge is fully greased to prevent rusting and reduce wear.

Burner System Natural draft, high velocity ceramic Venturi burners were specifically created and designed by GEIL Kiln Company for the GEIL Downdraft Design system and have proven to be quite efficient in all applications.
The ETL Certification All GEIL GAS KILNS conform to A.G.A. STANDARD 1-94 and certified to CSA STANDARD C22.2 NO.3.
All GEIL Electric kilns conform to UL STANDARD 1-94 and certified to CSA STANDARD C22.2 #221.
NOTE: All individual shelving not ordered with kiln carries a 10% packing charge. Silicon Carbide Shelving -- Quoted upon request.
Automactic Damper System
The microprocessor controller is the main controller of the system, responsible for time, temperature and atmosphere of a kiln firing. It reads the temperature by means of a thermocouple mounted on the back wall protruding into the interior of the kiln. The microprocessor then processes the pre-programmed parameters (i.e.: ramp soak segments) and adjusts the output signal to the proportioning valve located on the valve train. Depending on the call for heat from the microprocessor, the proportioning valve will vary the amount of gas reaching the burners. The kiln is also equipped with an oxygen probe located just below the thermocouple. Reading the atmosphere of the kiln via the oxygen probe, the microprocessor sends a signal to the damper motor which then adjusts the damper automatically to control the atmosphere. By programming the microprocessor's parameters with time and temperature, the kiln can be fired by ramping to a set point within a particular time frame. This ramp time plus a soak time is one segment. The microprocessor contains four ramp soak segments making up what is called a firing profile. This profile is stored in the microprocessor's nonvolatile memory. The microprocessor contains two operating modes, AUTO and MANUAL. These pre-programmed firing profiles can be operated by the AUTO mode. The kiln can also be fired manually by the microprocessor controller.
Our auto-damper system is PC controlled using a windows based program that is very easy to operate and hook up. All the parameters from the controller are displayed on your computer screen, making it easier to update and change your firing profiles. The program takes about 5 megabytes of space on your hard disk. There are no major upgrades needed for you to install and connect the microprocessor program. The microprocessor program offers remote station firing capabilities.
Automatic damper controls the kiln's atmosphere
The oxygen probe on the kiln sends atmosphere conditions to the control panel. The microprocessor reads the signal and adjust the damper automatically.
The proportional gas valve maintains just the right amount of gas to ramp or soak the kiln at all times during the firing.
Microprocessors on the kiln control both temperature (ramp/soak) and atmosphere.
Microprocessor Controller
Microprocessor Controller
Microprocessor Based Programmable Temperature Controller
Full proportional control, minimum four Ramp/Soak segments and Auto Manual Control
Sample Program
The PYX controller is the main controller of the system, responsible for the time and temperature of a kiln firing. It reads the temperature by means of a thermocouple mounted on the back wall protruding into the interior of the kiln. The PYX reads the temperature via the thermocouple. It then processes the pre-programmed information (ie: ramp/ soak segments) and adjusts the output signal to the proportioning valve. Depending on the call for heat from the PYX, the proportioning valve will vary the amount of gas reaching the burners. The output signal is shown as a percent in the OUT1 parameter. Each parameter is explained in detail in the next section. By programming the PYX parameters with time and temperature, the kiln can be fired by ramping to a set point in a particular time. This ramp time plus a soak time is one segment. The PYX contains four ramp/soak segments making up what is called a firing profile. This profile is stored in the microprocessor's nonvolatile memory. The PYX contains two operating modes, AUTO and MANUAL. This pre-programmed profile is operated by the AUTO mode. The kiln can also be fired manually by the PYX controller. Manual firing can be used to perform a reduction.
The microprocessor controller is equipped with a high-limit alarm. The high-limit alarm will shut the kiln down once the kiln hits the high limit temperature. The damper is automatically closed to prevent any thermal shock. lf there is any disruption of gas or flame failure, the flame safety system will automatically shut the kiln down. Our auto-damper system is backed by an ETL Intertek (Canadian Standard Association) certification, meeting the required safety standards for gas appliances.
*Purchase of this kiln will include a $313 Kiln Crating Charge
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